The WehrGoat's Secret Plans for the Conquest of Canada
canada-s.gif (8279 bytes) canada-flag.gif (247 bytes) The Problem canada-flag.gif (247 bytes) beaver.gif (6327 bytes)

The Moose are an oppressed species. Evil Canadians have enslaved them. While they once roamed free across the vast north, the Moose are now the non-citizens of the vile nation to the North.

Using their nefarious beaver slave-masters, the Canadians control the moose population with an iron fist. The Moose are forced to work in deep maple syrup mines and beer factories. The fruits of their hard labor are not theirs to keep. They live in simple huts fashioned from twigs and recycled Taco Bell (tm) take-out bags. They are fed meager rations--barely enough food to survive. The Moose Spirit is all but dead.

To weak to resist, the Moose have been completely subjugated. 

canada-s.gif (8279 bytes) wehrgoat-sym-ss-nt.gif (1018 bytes) The Solution canada-flag.gif (247 bytes) wgoat2-quarter.gif (10330 bytes)

The solution?  The WehrGoat.

The blitz-mammal does not tolerate the oppression of the weak.  Their hoofed brethren to the North need their help and help is on the way. The plans are complete. The forces are in place. Soon, the WehrGoats will surge forth.  Follow the link below to see the plans that will Free The Moose!

The Plans!
These pages are mostly unaltered from the original site, except where I applied some of the new styles. Yes, I know the graphics are .gifs and the formating sucks. The original page is over 15 years old.